Sixteen (PSD)

Sixteen (PSD), originally uploaded by norbography.

In response to this ……….

Sixteen Random Things About Me

1. I enjoy my own company.
2. I sometimes make up my own words.
3. I am good at swearing.
4. I am ambidextrous at a lot of things.
5. I can’t stop buying $10 cameras off eBay.
6. I have broken or dislocated quite a lot of bones and joints.
7. I am a very conservative driver most of the time.
8. I am unorganised.
9. I have a lot of strong views on politics and religion etc
10. I am forgetful.
11. I don’t have a clue what my ideal job is.
12. I want to do another charity pushbike ride.
13. I am going grey.
14. I am not ambitious.
15. My mother in law thinks I look like Anthony LaPaglia.
16. I don’t think I look like Anthony LaPaglia.