Where does photography stop…….

Really? (PSD)
Originally uploaded by norbography.

……. and digital art begin?

I ask this question mainly to start a bit of discussion. The picture to the right has had a fair bit of contrast enhancement done on it, but it is pretty true to the original as far as composition, colour and sharpness. But, I would say this may have over stepped that rather blurry line between what I consider a photograph, and what I consider digital art.

I have looked at many photos on Flickr, and 12 months ago I would have marvelled at how rich the colours were, or how amazingly sharp the image was. But now, I know better. Alot of ordinary photos, can be turned into extraordinary images by some digital shenanigans. Thus the (PSD) on some of my photos. That is a sign that I have given it a bit more than an Auto-Levels and Auto-Colours treatment.

I have heard the arguement regarding people not doing anything that you couldn’t have done in the photo lab, but really, how many of the people could have?

Now I know I am sounding like your typical luddite, but I do have some concerns about this, mainly because alot of people don’t know this is happening.

Is it right or wrong, I suggest most people don’t care, but it certainly matters to me. I don’t know where that blurry line is, but I would love to hear other peoples reactions.
