Shooting local or somewhere new?

What is easier?

I find it easier to shoot new places, as I am seeing them with a new eye. But I was wondering today, do people find their local area easier to take photos of? The only reason I can think of is that most people know their local area very well. They now how to get access to areas that outsiders may not. They have the inside knowledge. You also live close, so you can access your area at any time. See the photo below. I doubt many visitors would wander up the narrow track to get to this old light house in the dead of night.


But is there anything better for a photographer than getting out of a car or plane or bus and stepping into a completely new environment? When ever I travel, I get a tingling sense of excitement, wondering what new things I will see. A new place gives you a child like view of the world. Seeing things for the 1st time.Wondering whats around the next corner.

The Metropolis that is Tilpa.

I wonder, is it like this for all photographers?