Watermarks, good or bad? You decide.

It seems to be happening more and more lately, people plastering bloody great watermarks across their work. Obviously, I understand that some times you don’t want your work used with out your permission, but I am sure some of them could be slightly more subtle. When you can’t see the photo for the huge bright orange text saying “©2009 Worlds Best Photography – All rights reserved – Don’t copy with out permission – My dog like bones.” it is getting a bit out of hand.

Now, before my good pal Mick Orlosky tears me a new one and points out that I was watermarking my photos a while back, I would like to think mine were slightly more subtle than some I have seen of late. Below is an example.


So subtle, it is hardly worth being there in fact. So, what says you my devoted reader? Watermarks, are they good or evil?

Note, here is one I made up especially for Mick. 🙂

Just testing my new watermark for Mick