Monthly Archives: July 2009

le Tour.

To my fan out there in internet land, this blog MAY slow down a little in the next few weeks due to the fact that in a little over 24 hours, a few blokes will race push bikes around France. One of the few disadvantages of living at GPS coordinates -34.9,150.7 is that the Tour de France is on late at night here. Usually starting transmission at 10PM and winding up at about 2am. Sadly, this coincides with the times I do most of my posting to the blog. So, if you find things a little slow, why not have a look at the Tour. Even better, check out the fantastic photos at The Boston Globes site, The Big Picture. One set here, and another here.

©2008 REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel


©2008 Jasper Juinen/Getty Images


©2008 AP Photo/Bas Czerwinski

As you can see from above, there are some wonderful photos of what is a stunning piece of the earth.

Sigma Corporation Introduces New 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC Wide Angle Lens

Thanks to, big news for the UWA lens nerds today. If you have a cropped frame (Thanks Jason Stone)  camera, the newest Sigma 10-20 is on its way. f/3.5 across the range, it seems to be a step up from the old 10-20.

Photo News Today » Blog Archive » Sigma Corporation Introduces New 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC Wide Angle Lens.