Author Archives: norbs

40 Astounding Examples of Abstract Photography

Abstract. I always thought it meant a photograph that had gone wrong, but apparently people take them on purpose! Art, it still baffles me. That said, some of these are quite good photos. Now where is my beret?

40 Astounding Examples of Abstract Photography | The Photo Argus – A Photographer’s Resource.

Now this is dedication, or slow reflexes.

Talk about going above and beyond the call of duty. Andy Willsheer is either dedicated or a bit slow. I know I would have legged it out of there as soon as the trouble started. Well done him!

Cheating death: The moment a British photographer narrowly escapes being crushed by a runaway drag race car | Mail Online.

2009 in photos from The Big Picture.

Regular readers of the blog will realise I am a huge fan of the Boston Globe’s Big Picture web site. Well there are 2 parts into their 3 part look back at 2009. (I would expect Part 3 tomorrow)

2009 in photos (part 1 of 3).
2009 in photos (part 2 of 3).
2009 in photos (part 3 of 3).

Here is a little taste of what you can expect.