Author Archives: norbs

Photo Essay : Ian Fisher : American Soldier Photos

I have seen some very good photo essays over the years on the internet, but this one has to be amongst the best I have seen.

This is how an American soldier is made.

For 27 months, Ian Fisher, his parents and friends, and the U.S. Army allowed Denver Post reporters and a photographer to watch and chronicle his recruitment, induction, training, deployment, and, finally, his return from combat. A selection of photos from Ian’s journey are posted below.

Ian Fisher : American Soldier

Swimming with Dolphins

Swimming with Dolphins, originally uploaded by norbography.

It isn’t often I get as excited as I was this morning. Here is what I wrote on Flickr….

Out swimming this morning after a bike ride, and a pod of dolphins were a couple of hundred yards off the beach. I swam out to meet them and then they headed up the beach. I got to within about 3 metres of them at one stage. Was terrific. I have never got that close to wild dolphins before.

The quality isnt the best with the GoPro camera, but you can see what they are.

It was very cool.


21/52., originally uploaded by norbography.

This weeks 52 week project. I will start by quoting what I wrote on Flickr.

Ha! This weeks self portrait is done with 5 days to spare!

Today was my first swim of the summer. I have had a bit of a nasty chest infection that has kept me out of the water up until now. The water is beautiful, if a bit rough today.

Here I am napping under a wave.

More info on the camera I used here….

It is a great little camera.

Now, for those wondering how I did it, there really is no trick at all. The little camera has a very wide field of view, and as such, makes anything that is close, look like it is far away. The camera was at arms length in this shot.

Are you a Mac user and want a bargain?

There is some value in this little package. See the blurb below and the link to the bargain.

Take a look at a new idea for Mac applications bundle: MacGraPhoto.
Get 7 great graphics applications for the price of one or even for free!

Most Mac bundles lack focus – they collect unrelated applications, and you usually need only a couple of them.
MacGraPhoto is focused on graphics: it’s a hand-picked selection of 7 premium applications, most of which have received Apple “Staff Pick” or Apple Design Award: Picturesque, Graphic Converter, DrawIt, ImageFramer, HoudahGeo, Funtastic Photos, Graphic Designer Toolbox.
The applications in the bundle will satisfy most of your imaging needs: image editing, applying effects, format conversion, batch processing, vector drawing, geo-locating your photos, framing them or even creating posters and postcards and much more.

I am in no way affiliated with and gain no advantage from promoting the site. I just think it is a good deal.


20/52, originally uploaded by norbography.

This weeks self portrait for the 52 Week Project was taken at sunset at Tilbury Cove. Pity the clouds came over, as it was a stunning site about 30 minutes beforehand when I rode past on the pushbike.

Once again, I set up the off camera flash.

norbist info : Flash at full power, off to the right of the frame at 45 degrees to me.