There are some stunning places on this earth of ours. Check out some examples in Japan with this slideshow from Canon.
Canon | Environmental Activities | Canon Presents “Cycle Sphere”.
There are some stunning places on this earth of ours. Check out some examples in Japan with this slideshow from Canon.
Canon | Environmental Activities | Canon Presents “Cycle Sphere”.
If you ever wanted or needed proof that the art world is completely bloody bonkers, check out the link below. Madness, madness I tells ya!
Gustave Le Gray, The Great Wave, Sete, $838,000.
mental_floss Blog » The Quick 10: The 10 Most Expensive Photographs Ever.
Flickr Blog has got some Tour de France goodness for us. Keep an eye on this Flickr group for more goodies to come.
Here is an interesting article for the Twitter people. Certainly following other photographers is interesting.
Here is another post where I will let the photos do the talking.
There are some disturbing photos in the group, so if you are sensitive, you have been warned.
Photographers play around with colours quite a lot, mainly in post processing. Sometimes I wonder just how good some peoples vision actually is. Ramping the saturation slider up to a volume of 11 might make pretty colours, but those colours aren’t very realistic. When was the last time you saw an iridescent pink sky?
To check just how well you can pick colour hue, take the test on the following website.
How did you go? At the time of writing this blog post, at about 1am, I managed a perfect score. Luckily it wasn’t a hearing test.
So, what did you score? Do you have ninja eyes like mine, or do you struggle to tell green from blue?
AndrewG sent out a Tweet earlier today with a link to this online book about the struggles of people around the world. The photos are terrific. Really worth a look. Be warned, there are some graphic images.
100Eyes: Photography Magazine, Photo Workshops.
Thanks to Andrew for the heads up.
In what is becoming one of my favourite sites in the interwebs, The Boston Globe’s Big Picture, has come up with the goods once more. Looking at President Obama’s first 167 days in office.
Possibly the coolest note written for being away from school is my favourite from this crop of great shots.
Alexis Godschalk has got some beautiful photos of the 1000BHP beast, the Bugatti Veyron.
No word on the web page as to whether he got to take it for a spin, but the photos are stunning.
Copyright 2009 Alexis Godschalk.
Some of these shots look farmiliar, but some are new, so check them out.
The art of photo manipulation is the process of making changes to your photographs, usually in a way that takes them away from reality. Photo manipulations are used everywhere, but can mainly be seen in advertising, where companies try to capture the public’s attention with manipulated scenes featuring their latest products.
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