It isn’t often a website lives up to its name, but this one certainly does. Check out some of the portraits, they are superb.
It isn’t often a website lives up to its name, but this one certainly does. Check out some of the portraits, they are superb.
If you want to spice up that boring old snap shot, have I got 10 places for you to have some fun. Actually, I haven’t, but do! What is more fun than putting your face on a huge billboard?
Here are 100 very good portraits. Well, not all of them are actually that good to be honest, but there are some interesting choices in there. Who knew Bono’s real name is Paul Hewson! Paul from U2 nearly makes him sound human. And it is the 1st time I have seen such a clear shot of Adolf Hitler. Well worth a look.
100+ Portraits of Iconic People of All Time | Webdesigner Depot.
So you think you can Photoshop? Have a look at some of the examples in the link below and get back to me. 🙂
Most people know my thoughts on photoshopping, but in these examples, it is quite clear that some image manipulation has happened. There are some massively talented people out there.
40 Examples of Incredible Photo Manipulation | Webdesigner Depot.
Black and white photography is sometimes treated as the ‘poor relation’ of colour photography. After all, why limit yourself to shades of gray when you can use the entire spectrum of colours?
But in reality a black and white photo can often look even more stunning and captivating than the colour equivalent. Below are five tips to help you choose when to shoot in black and white, and how to get the best images when you do.
via Amateur Snapper | 5 Essential Tips for Black and White Photography.
This is quite a good guide to some of the rules that you will here when talking about photography.
Now whilst I don’t try and stick to these rules, I do find a lot of my images meet one or more of these rules with out even realising.
The only rule in photography is that there are no rules. However, there are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition ‘rules’.
Once again the Boston Globe’s The Big Picture web site has come up with the goods. This time taking a close up look at Mercury.
… at Photofunia. Put your face on billboards, magazine covers, or even fine art!
Effects – PhotoFunia. Have some fun!
Emerson, Shakespeare, Tolstoy and Melville all wrote books in a way that my simple brain couldn’t quite comprehend. Be it the old English language or the complexity of the sentences, they all beat me. I probably have more reading ability than I let on at times, and I have read some monster books in my time, but I could never quite crack the ones like Moby Dick (The proper unabridged version) or War and Peace, books that I would love to read.
You are probably wondering what this has got to do with photography. Not a lot. Actually, nothing more than a recommendation. It is as simple as that. You see, I have never actually met the author of this blog, not in the skin. I have spoken to him on MSN, Skype and the telephone. And I consider him a good friend. I consider him a clever bugger too. His latest blog post, just missed the train, is a fine example of what I am talking about. I would love to be able to tell a story so well. Very well written and entertaining, a blog worth reading.
Keep up the great work Mick.
Thanks again to Mick Orlosky, here is the New York Times behind the scenes of a photo shoot of a pie exploding. A great insight into how much work goes into a shot like this.
Behind the Scenes: Blowing Up a Pie – Lens Blog –
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