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Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Rasterbator. No, it isn’t a typo.
It is old news, but some may find it interesting. This program/website will allow you to make enormous prints of your favourite photos, be it photos of your loved ones, or a movie poster or even nudey ladies if you a young gentleman that lives on his own and has a lot of spare time. Here is one I prepared earlier.
Samsung to sell 12-megapixel cameraphone
12 megapixels on a sensor the size of an ants testicle!!! Really, why are people still being sucked into this marketing malarky? I can’t wait to see how it performs on a day when the sun isn’t bright in the sky! Cloudy day, use the flash.
Samsung to sell 12-megapixel cameraphone – Tech and gadgets-
Ever needed to know sunset direction and times?
I don’t know how many times I have arrived at a spot and wondered if the sun would rise/set where I thought it would. Well, here is a foolproof way of figuring it out. See Alex’s page below for a great software solution to the problem. Thanks to Alex for the heads up.
A program which calculates sunset direction and times | Alex Wise Photography.
The dog we called Monty.

Monty, originally uploaded by norbography.
Today we had to have Monty the wonder dog put to sleep. It is a sad day for the bride and I, but he bit her last Wednesday, and me twice previously. We were just too concerned that he would get out and bite someone and really hurt them. 99.99% of his life he was the most affectionate and loveable little bugger, but on 3 occasions that we know of he has had brain explosions and lashed out. So we had a decision to make. It was a tough decision, but the only one that was right.
Monty will be missed greatly in our little family. Many a tear has and will be shed. We are all sad. We loved the little rogue.
We rescued him from the pound 2 years ago, so hopefully we gave him 2 extra years of fun and happiness.
Rest in peace little mate.
Nikon D3 successor????
There are a few websites (see below) reporting rumours of the Nikon D3 being either upgraded or replaced later in the year. Surely they wouldn’t replace it already? Maybe Nikon are adding video to it like the Canon 5DmkII. Any other rumours around?
Hola Spain
Someone linked the Explorer Shuttle post from the 28th May to a Spanish website,, about 3 hours ago with the resulting spike of traffic. I am guessing it is sort of like
Gracias a toda la gente de hablar española de alrededor del mundo. 🙂
Pictures of Olympus E-P1. I want!
Seeing as how I can’t get my grubby mitts on an original Olympus Pen camera, this thing looks very tasty.
Pictures of Olympus E-P1 Micro Four Thirds camera leaked? (updated)
We were visiting the Olympus dpreview forums, where we noticed this thread pointing to this picture at Hong Kong site
It looks like the top view of what could be a new Olympus Micro Four Thirds camera with a 17mm f2.8 pancake lens attached?
via Pictures of Olympus E-P1 Micro Four Thirds camera leaked? (updated) – 1001 Noisy Cameras.
Optics, the good oil.
This one is not for the feint hearted. It is quite an in depth look at the optical properties of camera lenses and the reasoning behind diffraction and aberration. It is very informative, but it very detailed. it even talks about bokeh!!
Here is a collection of illustrated articles on the chief causes of image degradation in photography. Currently available pages can be accessed via hyperlinks. The reader should keep in mind that the articles are about principles of photographic optics and not about tests of specific lenses. Also, most of the phenomena have been captured on film. Since a film acts as no more than a light-sensitive medium, the examples equally apply to a digital recorder array. In the few cases where the nature of the recording medium is important, this will be emphasised.
via Photographic optics.
Exposure, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained.
A good guide for people new to photography.
Exposure, Aperture and Shutter Speed.
Exposure is a combination of two fundamental camera settings – aperture diameter and shutter speed. Many combinations will give the right exposure, but each will have differences is depth of field, motion blur, and so on. This guide will teach you all you need to know so that you can get the right exposure and the right artisitic effect every time.
via Amateur Snapper | Exposure, Aperture and Shutter Speed Explained.