10 Top Photography Composition Rules

This is quite a good guide to some of the rules that you will here when talking about photography.

Yashica  635 | Fuji Pro 400H

Now whilst I don’t try and stick to these rules, I do find a lot of my images meet one or more of these rules with out even realising.

The only rule in photography is that there are no rules. However, there are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition ‘rules’.

via Amateur Snapper | 10 Top Photography Composition Rules.

Wants and don’t wants.

Do you have any old cameras lying around the house? You might be able to get some money for them. At the moment, I am on the look out for an Olympus Pen or an Olympus Pen F, a working Polaroid SX-70 and a Pentax 67. If you have any of these and you no longer want them, let me know. 🙂

Pen F

I also have a few old film cameras that I no longer want. I will post a list later in the week, with some photos.

Pictures of Olympus E-P1. I want!

Seeing as how I can’t get my grubby mitts on an original Olympus Pen camera, this thing looks very tasty.

Pictures of Olympus E-P1 Micro Four Thirds camera leaked? (updated)

We were visiting the Olympus dpreview forums, where we noticed this thread pointing to this picture at Hong Kong site omuser.com.

It looks like the top view of what could be a new Olympus Micro Four Thirds camera with a 17mm f2.8 pancake lens attached?

via Pictures of Olympus E-P1 Micro Four Thirds camera leaked? (updated) – 1001 Noisy Cameras.


A blog well written.

Emerson, Shakespeare, Tolstoy and Melville all wrote books in a way that my simple brain couldn’t quite comprehend. Be it the old English language or the complexity of the sentences, they all beat me. I probably have more reading ability than I let on at times, and I have read some monster books in my time, but I could never quite crack the ones like Moby Dick (The proper unabridged version) or War and Peace, books that I would love to read.

Books (PSD)

You are probably wondering what this has got to do with photography. Not a lot. Actually, nothing more than a recommendation. It is as simple as that. You see, I have never actually met the author of this blog, not in the skin. I have spoken to him on MSN, Skype and the telephone. And I consider him a good friend. I consider him a clever bugger too. His latest blog post, just missed the train, is a fine example of what I am talking about. I would love to be able to tell a story so well. Very well written and entertaining, a blog worth reading.

Keep up the great work Mick.

Optics, the good oil.

This one is not for the feint hearted. It is quite an in depth look at the optical properties of camera lenses and the reasoning behind diffraction and aberration. It is very informative, but it very detailed. it even talks about bokeh!!

Here is a collection of illustrated articles on the chief causes of image degradation in photography. Currently available pages can be accessed via hyperlinks. The reader should keep in mind that the articles are about principles of photographic optics and not about tests of specific lenses. Also, most of the phenomena have been captured on film. Since a film acts as no more than a light-sensitive medium, the examples equally apply to a digital recorder array. In the few cases where the nature of the recording medium is important, this will be emphasised.

via Photographic optics.

Aperture at work