Tag Archives: motivation

13 Tips for Staying Motivated in Photography

When I look at my Flickr stream at the moment, I see mainly Polaroid photos and experiments with pinhole camera obscuras. When I lose my Phojo, I start experimenting.  Here is a quote from the website below.

Here’s a common story: one day you become enthusiastic about photography, and find yourself jumping at every opportunity to take photos and to improve your work. You keep this up for a while, but slowly the enthusiasm you once had starts to fade. You start feeling like you’ve stagnated in your growth, and that you’re just doing the same old thing, over and over again.

How can you rekindle the passion you once had for photography? If you haven’t hit the wall yet, how can you avoid running into it?

More, Filament on fire!

Sound familiar? Yes, it does to me. I hear people say it all the time. People lose their Phojo. Well check out the link below, Michael Zhang has some very good ideas.

13 Tips for Staying Motivated in Photography.