Tag Archives: Photography

Strobists, lighting experts, lend me your ears!

This is going to be difficult. I have spend more than my fair share of time bagging the bejesus out of the strobist folk. But now my dear and understanding friends of the artificial light world, I need your help.

I have been invited to submit a collection of portraits into a private competition with some worthwhile prize money. Ah yes, is there nothing that inspires me more than the mighty dollar, I think not. Anyhoo, I have to submit 15 portraits, using the same style, by the end of April. Plenty of time I hear you say. Well, not exactly. Firstly, finding 15 people will be a challenge. Then there is trying to get a “style”. I have decided it will be very basic. I have rigged up some lights in the shed and dragged the bride out last night for some test shots. This really is going to be a huge challenge for me. Here, after some post processing, is the 1st shot.


Despite the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous, I can hear the collective sighs of the lighting collective. Bare with me people.

Basically, the set up is 2 energy saving globes on some timber to the left and right of the model. Then a flash on the floor behind the model.

You can see the flash on the floor.  Here is the view from the camera.

And finally, the settings on the flash.

I will be completely honest, I haven’t a clue as to what that all means. I really wish I did.

Now, my question is, what is the best way to get more light on the front of the models face, and less on the sides of the cheeks?

Any help, suggestions, tips, advice or constructive criticisms accepted gratefully. I am so far out of my comfort zone I am nearly back in it.

God loves the strobists! 😀

Photos from Tokyo, Pet Peeves, Word Press Themes and loads more.

Some stunning photos from Tokyo, Japan.
rob-sheridan.com photography : tokyo, japan, august 2009..

I think someone needs a hug. 🙂
10 Photography Pet Peeves We’d Throw Down a Black Hole | Raw File | Wired.com.

Here is a very nice WordPress theme for the photography type people. That is you lot.
Free Podcasting, Video and Photography WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine.

Here is your chance to make a name for yourself. Taken a prize winning photo lately?
Sony World Photography Awards.

Ever wanted to just sell up and head out and see the world. Maybe even find a place to call home? Well have a look at this site. Some beautiful photos to sweeten the deal.
The Longest Way Home | a guy travelling the world in search of home.

And here is a pretty photo.

Ocean Baths

The World is an Amazing Place, A Worldwide Moment and Mac photo software.

As a hack photographer, everywhere I go I see photographic opportunities. Here is a link that pretty much sums up the way I see the world, and I think it is relevant to most photographers.

The World is an Amazing Place.

Here is a very interesting idea.

The concept calls for people to take photographs at the exact same moment in celebration of this event. Whether you are comfortable at home, hard at work, or in the middle of fighting for a cause you believe in, Worldwide Moment wants you to participate and share in this moment.

Worldwide Moment | Home.

Own a Mac and wondering about what software to use for your photography? Check this out.

The Ultimate Mac Setup for Photographers (50 Apps) – Mac.AppStorm.

And now another photo of mine from the archives.

Alone, with a tree. (PSD)

13 Tips for Staying Motivated in Photography

When I look at my Flickr stream at the moment, I see mainly Polaroid photos and experiments with pinhole camera obscuras. When I lose my Phojo, I start experimenting.  Here is a quote from the website below.

Here’s a common story: one day you become enthusiastic about photography, and find yourself jumping at every opportunity to take photos and to improve your work. You keep this up for a while, but slowly the enthusiasm you once had starts to fade. You start feeling like you’ve stagnated in your growth, and that you’re just doing the same old thing, over and over again.

How can you rekindle the passion you once had for photography? If you haven’t hit the wall yet, how can you avoid running into it?

More, Filament on fire!

Sound familiar? Yes, it does to me. I hear people say it all the time. People lose their Phojo. Well check out the link below, Michael Zhang has some very good ideas.

13 Tips for Staying Motivated in Photography.