Tag Archives: swimming


21/52., originally uploaded by norbography.

This weeks 52 week project. I will start by quoting what I wrote on Flickr.

Ha! This weeks self portrait is done with 5 days to spare!

Today was my first swim of the summer. I have had a bit of a nasty chest infection that has kept me out of the water up until now. The water is beautiful, if a bit rough today.

Here I am napping under a wave.

More info on the camera I used here…. www.goprocamera.com/index.php?area=2&productid=1

It is a great little camera.

Now, for those wondering how I did it, there really is no trick at all. The little camera has a very wide field of view, and as such, makes anything that is close, look like it is far away. The camera was at arms length in this shot.